Sunday, April 15, 2007

Just Boo & Me

Yesterday my niece's son turned 1. They were having a birthday party over at her house yesterday evening. Boo has been running a fever for about 3 days, and I didn't think she should go. I've been battling a chest cold so she and I stayed home together while her daddy took the other two girls and went to the party. I knew she felt bad missing the party, as she loves to go to her cousins house, so I rented a movie, grabbed a happy meal, and she and I had a "party night" of our own. We sat in front of the tv eating our hamburgers and watched Cinderella III, a Twist In Time. It was cute... not as good as the original, but I still liked it. Boo loved it, and as soon as it was over, she wanted to watch it again. We had fun, the two of us, and when I heard the car pulling in I was almost disappointed that our "party" was over. When daddy came in with Punkin and Little Cat, everyone started talking then it was time to get everyone ready for bed. I thought about how peaceful it was just sitting with my little Boo and watching a movie and talking girl talk (for a 4 year old, she talks extremely well). I'll have to make a point to do that more often. We often do things as a family, but snuggling with my girl and having our own little party was really, really special. I loved it.

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