Saturday, January 24, 2009

Martin Luther King Day

January 19th was Martin Luther King Day. I remember when my goober son was in kindergarten, he came home from school and said "We don't have school on Monday!" I asked him if he knew why he didn't have school on Monday, grasping at a teaching moment. He said simply, "Yeah... some black guy died and they closed down the school." I had nothing to say to that, I just shook my head. (We did talk about it later...) Well, fast forward 16 years, and now his little sister Boo is in kindergarten. The Friday before MLK day, she too announced, "Guess why we don't have school on Monday." I said, "why don't you just tell me." She said "Okay, the king died so we don't have to go to school." I asked her, "the King?" She said she didn't know what he was a king of, but he was a king over something... she just didn't know where his kingdom was. Like brother like sister?? Well, I have two left to go to school, so we'll see if the understanding gets any better.

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