Friday, April 21, 2006


I've been tagged by Chilady. In fact, I was tagged several days ago, but I haven't had two minutes to myself to respond. I'm lucky I got my T13 up. SO....

6 weird things about myself.....

1. I hate shoes with a passion. I will go barefoot in the winter. I take them off to drive, I take them off once I'm at work, and they are off my feet the second I am in the house.

2. When I'm tired, angry, or excited, I speak with a Texas accent. I lived there for 13 years! I can hold my diction most of the time, but it sneaks out when I least expect it.

3. I have a 19 year old son, and I'm pregnant with my 5th child at the same time.

4. I don't like watching TV.

5. I don't like to wear make-up. I wear it for special occasions only. My husband likes it that way though. I actually had a little lipstick on today and when he kissed me he said my lips were sticky... LOL

6. I went to 6 different high schools. It was hard to make and keep friends, but we moved around a lot.

And... I have to tag 6 people. I was going to tag my husband and other family members... but HE got tagged by someone else. Coincidence??? He has more time than I do, so he already tagged the people I would have. That's okay though, I read a lot of blogs. SO... here are my 6 victims.. err... tagees.

1. TigerSue
2. Surrender Dorothy
3. Jen's Horde
4. Island Queen
5. Lisa
6. Treasure of Jewels


Jen said...

I hate wearing shoes inside the house, or around the yard. I take them off right away, too!

I'm sure I've done this one recently, let me go look for it...

Lisa M. said...

Hey thanks for the tag! *grin*

There seem to be quite a few of us, that don't like shoes! *chuckle* I wonder if it is a generational thing?

My oldest son was 17 when I got pregnant with my baby!

I enjoyed reading your 6 things, and I agree, 6 highschools. Yuck.

Tigersue said...

Okay mine is up, finally. It took me awhile to come up with some things!

Shannon said...

I finished mine just now. I made sure you got all the credit for our Monday madness.