Cat Lady's Thursday Thirteen
I decided to do thirteen things I'd rather be doing than going to school today. I have a midterm in Economic History, and I'm seriously struggling with studying for it. There are at least 100 things I'd rather be doing.
1. Sleeping. Does anyone get enough sleep?
2. Shopping. I need a new black dress. I could spend all day looking for one
3. Reading. I have three new books that are calling me and they are all more interesting than Economic Historty from 1600 - present.
4. Playing outside with my kids. I love this weather!!! I could play outside all day
5. Re-arrange my living room. I'm not really into rearranging, but it is getting old. I need to move the couch and the chairs and, well, just re-arrange everything
6. Go for a drive. The leaves are changing in the mountains and it is so beautiful.
7. Have lunch with my honey. He's at work, but I could go have lunch with him!!
8. Clean my room. Trust me... this is far better than Economic History
9. Go to the zoo with my daughter's kindergarten class. This should be number 1. If I had the day off, I would SO go with them to the zoo. How fun would that be!!
10. Scrapbook. I love it, and never have the time to do it anymore.
11. Make Boo some pj pants. I bought the cutest High School Musical fabric to make her some pj pants, I just have to find the time.
12. Practice the music for choir. We sing in a week and a half and I really need to practice.
13. Play on the internet... which is sort of what I'm doing. LOL I really need to get off my butt and get to class.
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