Monday, July 03, 2006


I have an induction date of July 14! Yeah!!! The end is in sight. I have had terrible sciatica, and am really looking forward to NOT being pregnant anymore. My feet and legs and hands are so swollen that I hurt most of the time. I can't walk very well either. BUT... the end is in sight and soon, very soon, I'll have my little cat and it will all be worth it.

1 comment:

Neoma said...

I have five children also, and very difficult pregnancies. So i can feel for you. Oh, I see this post was 3rd, you probably have your little kitten by now. Well good luck with everything, Hope all is fine.

After five I quit, I only have one kidney, and the last one was really difficult, they said one more would kill me. But they are sure worth it........