Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Say again??

Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. "

Our daughter, Boo, got Alice in Wonderland for Valentine's Day. She loves it. When she saw it, she exclaimed, "This is my favorite movie!! I've never seen it before!" She watches it at least weekly. There is a scene where the Mad Hatter explains that everyone has one birthday a year. That leaves 364 days that are un-birthdays. The Mad Hatter is having a party for his un-birthday, and everyone is singing a silly little song... "A happy un-birthday to you". Boo loves this song, but gets a little confused. She goes around the house singing "A unhappy birthday to you!"


Lisa M. said...

Ah, how dang cute is that!

It's beautiful.

I have never loved Alice in Wonderland, but my children do.

Sisiggy said...

Love, love, love Princess Bride.Alice in Wonderland not so much, though the concept of an Unbirthday always appealed to my mercenary kids.

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