We were in the car driving home from running some errands. The four girls were with us, and Boo asked Peach to play a game with her. They started the alphabet game. Peach started with "A" my name is Allie, and I like apples and alligators. Boo said "B" my name is... and before she could finish Little Cat broke in, "No! Your name is 'Peach'!" Peach tried to hush her, "I know, honey, thanks." Boo had finished and Peach was up next, "C" my name is Cora and I like... "NO! Your are not Cora! Your name is Peach!" I'm just laughing in the front seat. Peach tried again... "We are just playing a game sweetie" This continued through the alphabet until about N. I hear, very loudly, "Your name is PEACH!" Peach finally said, Okay... my name is Peach... to which Little Cat replied, "I just trying to help you, Peach." It was so commical.
Moral of the story.... don't play alphabet games with a two year old who knows she's right.